DEC 2022

PicoPicoPi (Mochi's Tale)

Working with picoCTF, a cybersecurity education program from CyLab, CMU, PicoPicoPi built the web game Mochi's Tale to support the educational platform, aiming to raise high school new learners' interests in Binary Exploitation and Reverse Engineering. As the game designer, I designed the game mechanics to simulate hacking and related techniques. I created 16 puzzle levels that ramp up the difficulty and new skills, resulting in a 1-hour gaming experience. As the co-producer, I planned and managed tasks for the teammates who worked 36+ hours weekly and wrote 7 development blogs tracking project progress.

Platform & Tools

  • Web Browser

  • Unity/WebGL

Team Size



12 weeks

My Responsibilities

  • Game mechanics design

  • Levels/Puzzles design

  • Paper prototying

  • Playtesting

  • Design documents

  • Project and task management with Google Workspace, Monday, and Discord

Game Overview

In Mochi's Tale, the player helps Mochi, an intelligent computer program escape the cyber world by hacking the obstacles and modifying their properties. By properly rearranging the chips that define the objects, we can change their appearance and behaviors, and thus get through the obstacles.

As the game goes on, new features unlock. Some values on the chips are even hidden and shown as symbols. The player would learn and apply the concepts of Reverse Engineering and Reverse Engineering to solve the puzzles.

chiawei.liu.1201@gmail.comMade by React, Next.js, and TailwindCss © 2022 Jeffrey Chia-Wei Liu